In this day and age, the belief in feng shui influences us a lot, but in fact, it has affected humans for a thousand years. The art of feng shui existed for a long time hidden in Yin and Yang until it was discovered and known as feng shui these days. In other words, Yin and Yang, and feng shui have belonged to each other since 2183 years before Christ and 1,111 years before Jesus was born.

Thus, feng shui is an interesting art with the meaning of “wind-water”. It refers to the art of nature, balance, belief, arranging buildings and living spaces to match the owner. Finding balance will bring harmony and good fortune, increase luck in your business, work and solve all the problems that you’re encountered. The person who possesses harmony and balanced skills we call them “Feng Shui Master”.

Why do we have to set up feng shui?
In any generation when we think about owning a house, land, car, furniture arrangement, etc. Most people are looking for a feng shui master for advice because it’s the art that helps people who live in the house feel more confident. Buying a house in a lifetime is a huge investment, so it’s better to get the best without concern to keep relocating.

In the scientific principle, architects, engineers, and home inspection companies are a must before buying a house; however, belief and supernatural aspects will need advice from a feng shui master to raise energy and fortune for the house and the people who live in it. It is all up to our discretion to utilize all those principles; scientific for standard house maintenance and feng shui to raise your fortune, prestige, and harmony in your life✨

Hence, if you’re looking for a feng shui master who understands skills in scientific and feng shui principles; logic, and belief to raise the prominent point and decrease the weakness. We, Lifesara, will introduce “Hong master” from Hongkong that will share tricks for peace and avoiding bad luck in your home. So who is he and what are his tricks, let’s keep scrolling and learn more!!

📌Contact of Hong master
FB : ซินแสหง-洪 ฮวงจุ้ยจากฮ่องกง

For superstitious who want to learn more about supernatural skills, keep following the link below
> 9 Online Thai Fortune Tellers To Consult Your Every Worry In 2022
> 4 Secret Feng Shui Gardens for Wealthiness by Suansavarose
> 5 Youtube Channel for Horoscope
> 5 Chinese Temples To Wash Away Your Misfortune In 2022


Hong feng shui master: A Hongkonger feng shui master who gives service in Thailand

Hong master is a Hongkonger who established himself in Thailand and gained famein the real estate industry in a short time.Before becoming a feng shui master,he was involved in the business industry giving him a chance to work in Thailand.Time passed by,and he burned out from the work and left his job turning to the art of feng shui which he used since he was young.He is good at the

sixth sense (supernatural mystery)and that’sthe reasonwhy heshowedinterestsincehe was young

Currently, Hong masteris growing his fame and making wavesin the feng shui industrybecause of his pageopening at the beginning of 2022. Other industries such as influencers and businesses alsoheard about his skills with his youthfulness and humbleness,it is accessible and understandable for the guests.The service is also affordable and reliable.There is no doubt that’s why the word of mouth spread so fast ✨


5 good feng shui tricks for homegeomancy by Hong master

Now, we know the Hong master from Hongkong already. Let’s take a glimpse of the secret tricks for home feng shui. What is a good home? A good home doesn’t have only beautiful and wide space

but with feng shui art will bring wealth, happiness, and good fortune to the people who live there. It will be a source to secure energy, property and protect those who live there. According to the scientific principle, a good home won’t cause you to repair often, but it makes you comfortable and safe.

For feng shui, however, if you have a chance to change your home, it is like changing your fortune as well. So once you decide to change, you have to change everything to the correct point according to scientific and feng shui principles. A good home will bring something pleasant, while bad feng shui will bring bad fortune to you.

The tricks of the Hong master don’t only observe the house but also the environment, rooms, garden, corridor, area around the house, and street. Let’s continue reading and find out what are the secret tricks according to scientific and feng shui principles by Hong master ✨


Home Feng Shui (1) – Home beyond a curved street

☯️Feng Shui Principle
A home that is located beyond a curved street or sharp curve will be giving bad luck for wealth and business for the one who lives.

👷‍♂️Scientific Principle
The curved street is a dangerous corner that might cause a car accident and damage the buildings and area nearby.


Home Feng Shui (2) – Working desk and a mirror

☯️Feng Shui Principle
If there is a mirror behind the working desk in a feng shui spot, it will be unsteady and sensitive to your work position.

👷‍♂️Scientific Principle
If there is a mirror or door behind the desk, it might distract you when somebody passes by while working. It will be one of the factors that your task might not be the best outcome and lack of focus.


Home Feng Shui (3) – Bed next to bathroom’s door

☯️Feng Shui Principle
Bathrooms might cause bad energy to you while sleeping if the bed is close to. Any part of the body that touches the bathrooms might have health problems.

👷‍♂️Scientific Principle
Bathrooms are damp places that contain all bacteria and waste. It might affect your health.


Home Feng Shui (4) – Transformer near home

☯️Feng Shui Principle
Transformer places near the house will affect your mood to be heated up and irritated. Creating bad fortune for your work and health.

👷‍♂️Scientific Principle
A transformer is a high voltage, placing it close to the home, the waves from it will affect your brain causing disease or even a transformer explosion.


Home Feng Shui (5) – Home located near or opposite of temple and cemetery

☯️Feng Shui Principle
If your home is located near a temple and cemetery, you might face something supernatural or get a disease and an accident.

👷‍♂️ ตามหลักวิทยาศาสตร์
Temples might affect your mental health and cause you to be scared easily when you see something pass by or imagine something bad.

Incense and firecrackers from the temple may worsen your health by inhaling. Morning bell and drum signals from the temple will annoy and disturb your sleep, irritating your mood.


“Good feng shui makes you wealth”

Apart from what we’ve mentioned, Hong master has many more details about feng shui that are nearly impossible to list. So if you’re looking for an enthusiastic feng shui master to raise your fortune, wealth, prestige, good energy, and harmony, you should contact him directly. No worries, even though he is a Hongkonger, there is a translator ready for you.

📍More information and review:
FB : ซินแสหง-洪 ฮวงจุ้ยจากฮ่องกง