Dog’s foods are amongst one of the most important factors that you should pay a lot of attention to. Some families feed their dog with normal human food as well as bones; this is something that should be avoided altogether as there are numerous types of dog food and the most important of all, they are not the same as us. Therefore, feeding them the same food that we consume isn’t beneficial, especially bones as they can degrade the dog’s health without us knowing. Properly caring for a dog requires that the owner considers all sorts of factors and doesn’t treat them only as eye candy. If you truly care for your dog then learning the factors that will ensure them a long life is paramount.

📌What makes a good dog food?
1. High-grade meat such as beef and mutton with high protein that will boost the health of your canine friend, making them a lot more robust.

2. “Good” fats from animals such as salmon and tuna that helps make the skin and fur of your dog healthy and glossy and give off that rejuvenated look and also reduce fur shedding.

3. High quality carbohydrates such as rice, oats, millets, potatoes (not processed potatoes products) or sweet potatoes. For dog’s food, this isn’t as important as they are there to act as binders for the food.

4. High energy vegetables such as high fiber vegetables. It is given that vegetables are high in minerals and vitamins, with some even having antioxidants that help reduce constipation or weight control but these should be taken at an appropriate level.

📌What’s the good way to buy a premium dog food
1. Reduce hair loss that may result in an allergic reaction to the owner and keep your dog’s fur thicker and more glossy
2. Reduce bad breath Because premium food uses high quality ingredients, so it can stop the bacteria from growing. With the pellet food that is hard, it helps in reducing plaque as well.
3. Help with health, to be stronger and have more muscles
4. Keep excretory system healthy. Because premium pellets use ingredients that contain fiber as well. Thus helping the dog poop to be in solid and log-shaped.

📌What’s the good way to buy a dog food
1. Consider the ingredients of the dog food when buying. Such as when buying a premium grade dog food, the food should contain only animal meat proteins and no derivatives from poultry.

2. Check the amount and frequency of feeding that matched the age and weight of the dog in order to prevent overfeeding.

3. Dogs’ characteristics tend to vary with age, therefore, planning the right food proportion is very important. That’s the reason why there are many different types of dog food. Buying food that matches the age of the dog such as food for toy breeds or big breeds can have a profound impact on the dog.

📌Where should you buy premium grade dog food?
If you are looking to buy pellet dog food that matches all the criteria given above, then Lifesara got your back. We have compiled together dog food brands of the highest quality to answer your question about the brands you should be getting. If you are interested then read along! We will be looking at 4 different premium brand dog food, let’s goooooo.

If you want to read up on some cute pets, try reading our articles here.
> A peek at 10 cat breeds that will leave you molten on the spot (with cattery contact too!)
> 10 Fantastic Dog Breeds And Where To Find Them (In Thailand)



If you are looking to give your doggo some tasty treat with a premium grade food that is packed with nutrition, then you might want to get to know the brand Perfecta. 🐶

Perfecta is a premium dog food brandthat many people would have seenin the pet store window. Perfecta’s highlights aretheir all-around nutrition from top-quality materials like fresh chicken from Betagro and fresh beefthat is loaded with high quality proteins. They are also loaded with nutrients from natural vegetables like pumpkin, carrots, brown rice and ginkgo leaves.Perfecta’s food also contains no wheat, maize or artificial additives that could harm your precious doggo.

If any of you ladies and gents are looking for a food brand that pays attention to quality “from the farm to the plate” like your home-crafted food for your canine friend, then try out Perfecta, the healthiest choice for your buddy, just like having an expert by your side. ✨

📌Product detail : Perfecta has 2 flavors on offer

👉 Meat and brown rice flavor
– For fully grown toy breed
– For medium and large sized breed

👉 Chicken and brown rice flavor
– For puppies
– For fully grown toy breed
– For medium and large sized breed

Soft pellet dog food “Soft & Meaty” 500 gram
👉 Smoked meat flavor
👉 Baked chicken flavor

📌Location : Pet Shop throughout the country

📌Contact information
FB : Perfecta
IG : perfectafc
Line :
Tiktok : perfecta_th



A brand that is good for both health and mental well-being that selects their materials from all over the world. Yes, we are talking about the brand Buzz. This brand is probably a very familiar sight to a lot of people’s eyes, as this brand is sold throughout Thailand both in shops and retailers, and has become a favorite to some!

Buzz is a brand that utilizes OPM and seller of pet food. Their strength lies in the fact that they work with leading factories around the world domestically and abroad to develop foods that satisfy the requirement for both the owners and their dogs.

All formulas were made by nutritional specialists and utilize the best ingredients from around the world, such as proteins from Australian sheep, salmon, Belgian chicken and combine them with fruits and vegetables sourced from nature. Most important of all, no coloring added! Every pellet is packed full of nutrition and the brand has over 70 pet formulas for you to choose from. And to top it off, their nationwide presence and online shipping combined with the qualities mentioned earlier make Buzz the top-of-the-mind when it comes to your canine buddy’s nutrition. 🐶

📌Product Detail : Dogs food are separated into 3 types

🐶Buzz Netura, holistic grade grain-free formula for dogs older than 1 year
👉🏻Made in and imported from Belgium, this formula uses animal meat proteins, vegetables and fruits in order to ensure a glossy hair and reduce feces’s odor with 2 sub-formulae. One is made from salmon while the other is made from chicken

🐶Buzz Netura Plus+ Premium grade formula💎
👉🏻Made in and imported from Australia, suitable for dogs with hypoallergenic skins and allergic to chicken. Helps with fur health and reduce tear marks

🐶Buzz Balanced standard grade formula
Made in Thailand with many flavors to choose from for dogs that needs variety

📌Location :
-Tops supermarket, Pet shop throughout the country
-Shopee : Buzz_officialshop
-Lazada : Buzz flagship store

📌Contact Information
FB: Buzz Pets Food
Line : @buzzpetsfood
IG : buzzpetsfood


Dog Days

Dog Days is a dog food brand that focuses on 100% high quality protein from Australian mutton and Omega 3 and 6 from Norwegian salmon to ensure that your dog is very healthy. Their price range also drives a hard bargain! Once you learn about Dog Days, you will love your doggo even more! 🐶

Dog Days starts out as an attempt by the founder to craft a food that will ensure that their lovely canine buddy will be healthy in the long term, as the founder of Dog Days was dismayed by what they experienced when feeding their dog with cheap and low-quality food that doesn’t address any health issue.

This drove the founder to come up with a truly healthy formula which results in the Dog Days brand, a dog food brand that place an importance on the pooches’ health above all else that aim to care for them like they are a “human” member of your family, so they stay with you for a long time. 🐶

When it became evident that the food the owner came up with results in a positive change for the dog, the founder wanted to share this high quality but affordable food to every dog, so they all may become the healthiest that they could be. ✨

Try expressing your love for your pooches today with Dog Days and say goodbye to those excessive shedding, kidney problems and obesity today! A choice any real hooman would pick for their beloved doggo! ❤️🐶

📍Location :
Shopee : Dog Days & Clover Official
Lazada : Dog Days Clover

📌Contact information
FB : อาหารสุนัขพรีเมียม Dog Days
Inbox | Line
Tel : 095-250-4592



And here we have a premium grade dog food that understands everything about your doggo, and the best nutritional choices and managed to build a brand that answers every canine health issue. Let’s take a look at the philosophy behind GREAT HOUND

GREAT HOUND is another brand that focuses on high quality food through coordinating the efforts between veterinarian, researcher and leading pet food manufacturer in Thailand. The food and nutritional development went through a large amount of research, thus they perfectly match the need of your pooches. ✨

When it comes to raw material, only the word “premium” is allowed in order to meet the international standard. The food contains no poultry protein so the risk of allergic reaction is significantly lower. This is another brand that places a heavy focus on every step in the manufacturing process and utilizes highly safe packaging. Try out GREAT HOUND today and your pooch might start liking it without knowing. 🐶😊

📍Location : Pet shops and veterinarian near your home.

📌Contact information
FB : GREAT HOUND :: Premium Dog Food :: เกรทฮาวด์ อาหารสุนัขเกรดพรีเมี่ยม
E-mail :
Tel : 091-529-8998 | Line