“Civil servant” is a profession that has existed for a long time and serves the country directly. It appears to be a small machine that is required to thrive and move the country forward at its best. That’s why every country has civil servants.
However, it is not easy to pass the civil servant selection exam because it is an important exam that will select the one with the best skills and knowledge among candidates to develop the country in many aspects.
As a result, for those seeking an exam, a promotion, or a retake, Lifesara will launch four civil servant tutoring courses taught by an experienced professor who has been on this path for a long time. Let’s see what those are and which one you prefer.
In addition, there are more interesting articles for other courses below, not just for civil servants. Try not to miss those.

Civil Servant Exam: Senior Center Tutor

Starting with the Senior Center Tutor for those who are preparing for the civil servant exam. It’s an online curriculum specifically for the civil servant exam, so there’s no need to waste time commuting. Guaranteed by a national award from Siam Dhiraj Under the Dynasty, a creative campaign was launched to develop the strength of the country.

Furthermore, the center’s main focus is applied psychology and current news for interview techniques that are concise and easy to remember. This center suits everyone of all ages and genders.

📌Advantages from the course by Senior Center Course
– For those who don’t have enough time
– For those who have a full-time job
– For those who have less time to prepare
– For those who want to pass the exam
– For those who want to get promotion
– Sending online in 24 hours
– Mozart’s pieces will be playing throughout the teaching session to stimulate better logical thinking and human memory

Discount tutor files from 700 Baht to 399 Baht / position

📌Contact Information
Web : http://www.sobradchakan.com/
LINE : @number9corp


Civil Servant Exam: Profiletutor

Let us move on to another institute that has produced over 2,500 exam pass students: Profiletutor. Guaranteed by civil servant tutors from various departments with an experience of more than 15 years. There’s no doubt that’s why its quality is accepted in the civil servant career field✨

📌Advantages from the course by Profiletutor
– For those who are planning for; Office of the Civil Service Commission, Customs, Revenue department, District clerk, Trade Office, and other civil servant positions
– The courses are designed to match students individually with the keywords and all detail for the best result
– For those who want to be a civil servant but have less time, re-exam or get a promotion

📌Contact Information
FB : โปรไฟล์ติวเตอร์ ติวสอบรับราชการ https://www.facebook.com/profiletutor/?_rdc=1&_rdr
Tel : 084-924-5401 | 02-732-2701
Web: http://www.profiletutor.com/


Civil Servant Exam: Chase Your Dream for Office of the Civil Service Commission and Civil servant position by Kru Dew, Kru View and Kru Pae OpenDurian

It’s an institute that compiles many subjects for those who want to be civil servants. All the professors here are professionals who have been through many exam rounds for years. The course will provide books with the critical and correct content for the exam, making it easier.

📌Advantages from the course by Chase Your Dream for Office of the Civil Service Commission and Civil servant position by OpenDurian
– Critical Content and Mocking test for Office of the Civil Service commission plus with basic grammar
– Intensive English for the local Office of the Civil Service Commission and assistant
– Foundation course for grammar applied for all exam fields
– Tutoring for the Law Office of the Civil Service Commission, mathematics, and Thai. ก; Office of the Civil Service Commission and local
– Foundation mathematics course
– For everyone who is planning to go for the civil servant’s exam

📌Contact Information
Web : opendurian
FB : ติว กพ สานฝันราชการ โดยครูดิว ครูวิว ครูเป้ OpenDurian


Civil Servant Exam: Tutor Taeng Premier

The next one must be Tutor Taeng Premier with an online course for all subjects focusing on law. The curriculum has been developed for more than 20 years by expert tutors such as attorneys, Department of Special Investigation (DSI), police, lawyers, district clerks, and professors from other institutes to keep you up-to-date and on-trend.

📌Advantages from the course by Tutor Taeng Premier
– For those who want to graduate faculty of law in 2-3 years
– For those who are planning to know all the basics to be a lawyer, attorney, district clerk, police and other civil servants
– For those who want to pass all the exams in every field for civil servants such as police sub-lieutenant, inquiry official, sergeant, laws, and Office of the Civil Service Commission

📌Contact Information
FB : ติวกฎหมาย ติวเตอร์แท่ง พรีเมียร์
Tel : 086-789-7820
Line : 0811131115