Being a tropical country with all three seasons (Hot, Rain, Cold) in one day, it’s very common for everyone to suffer a constant headache from the blinding sunlight😭, then a stuffy nose a few hours later🤢. An absolute pain.

So if you have ever seen a white tube sticking out of Thai people’s noses, that’s our solution. An aged-old solution. The one, and only— Thailand’s special herbal inhaler ~ 👃🌸 ~

Thanks to its efficiency against headache, nauseous, stuffy nose, or even boredom, many Thais never leave their home without one of them in their bag. Many foreigners even come to do the same, from an ex-pat who must stare at the screen all day, a backpacker who needs to ward off the motion sickness, to a raver going all out in a full moon party, Thai herbal inhaler is here to save the day.

This is why Lifesara brings you 13 top-tier Thai herbal inhaler names for you. From household names every Thai can vouch for to newbies who rise through the domestic market like a dark horse, these inhalers come with beautiful packaging housing their unique herbal blends that will unclog your sinus like a pro!! Annnd it’s time for us to go through our list! Let’s go✨



An old-school name that has stayed with Thai people for more than 60 years, its slogan “Clears (your nose) all the way to your heart” couldn’t be any more accurate as their inhaler can be sniffed or rubbed on your skin to clear out the dizziness, carsick, seasick, stuffy nose, or even your stress.

Their quality ingredients include menthol, peppermint, camphor, and eucalyptus oil. All of them mixed together into Siang-Pure’s signature scent that you can breathe in as much as you like and never burned your nose, ever! The white tube packaging they’re famous for is also 100% safe to use, so you can sniff, rub, or stick it in your nose without fear! This high quality can be found at cheap prices in every store in Thailand, so go get it! Your nose will thank you!! Hurry up and order now! The price is very cheap👍

📌Shop Info

Can be found in 7-11, Tops, Big C, Tesco Lotus’s, The Mall, Foodland, Boots, Watson, every convenience store, and pharmacy.

Shopee : ยาดมเซียงเพียว
LAZADA : Bertram1958


Peppermint Field

Our second name is still a household brand in Thailand. Peppermint Field comes with three signature scents to choose from;

1. Peppermint Field (original)
The basic scent everyone knows.Peppermint Field is unlikethe other brand in how their scentleads with aromatic peppermint oil with a cool feeling on your nose and skin.Peppermint Field can also be dropped on clothing too!Our favorite use is to put it on sleepwear, so it can keep your nose clear and a relaxing scent can help you sleep more easily!

2. Black Inhaler
This scent comes with a cool, black packaging that you could believe is not an inhaler! But it is an inhaler with twice the eucalyptus oil for an even more cold feeling when it clears your nose! With both extra cool scent and design, this trendsetter will lift up your image and your breathing at the same time!

3. Peppermint Field (Orange)
The rarest of all Peppermint Field productsthis inhaler has all its predecessor’s effects but with a fruity twist!If you want the inhaler effects but getting sick of all things mints and menthol,this is an alternative for you.This citrus inhaler with colorful packaging will refresh you with its fruity scent,but you’ll never find this one in the store.The rarity of this inhaler comes from the fact thatthis orange tube is exclusive to online stores only, so pick up your phone and swipe away! This orange baby will find its way to your pocket soon enough!!

Also, all of the Peppermint Field scents are designed to not hurt your nose, so you can sniff them all day long. Many of our Lifesara team have been their customers since high school, just like many other Thais out there,
so Peppermint Field’s popularity can vouch for themselves!!

📌Shop Info

Can be found in 7-11 and all other stores. Their online shop can be found here.
Shopee : Bertram (1958) Official Shop
LAZADA : Bertram1958


Aliya Herbs

Our third name comes with 100% natural essential oil for Aromatherapy, soothing your ailments with various herbal scents tailored for specific symptoms, because, according to their concept, “Nature is not a place to visit. It is home.”
Nature is home, and home is where your heart is.

Aliya Herbs’ natural products with no industrial chemicals can be a message of love from you to your loved ones, as your gift will soothe and heal them with its herbal fragrance

Aliya Herbs is alsodifferent from the other brandsin that they combine warming herbsand cooling herbs togetherto a perfect result:The cooling sensationthat tingles your noseand refreshes you,before slowly fading into the warming scentthat relax your mind.

There’re three recipes you can choose for three different effects:

1. Relaxation
A combination that is mild to your nose, but refreshing nonetheless. This scent helps relieve Migraine and stress. 🌸

2. Calmness
A mixture for insomnia patients. This scent creates a feeling of warmth that also relaxes your thought.If you have ever been to a massage placeand fallen asleep under its low light,quiet atmosphere, and relaxing scent of herbs,this inhaler is the last ingredient neededto recreate this atmosphere in your own place!

3. Charming
A refreshing inhaler to jolts your mind into focus. This scent will unleash your creativity and stimulate your breathing system.
If you have to weather the storm that is your working hours, take a Charming with you to destress and keep your concentration.

Three choices,for three moments of your life,Aliya Herbs is ready to heal youwith the scents of nature.Their products only used the finest herbs,including their imports from England! Buys Aliya Herbs todayand bring aromatherapy into your home!

📌Shop Info

IG :
Tiktok :
Lazada : Aliya Herbs
Shopee : Aliya.Herbs


AVA Aroma

Comes for an inhaler, stays for the poshness😲 because this brand comes with packaging that exudes elegance and personality that at first glance you will think of perfume, not an inhaler. 👍✨

If you want to up your fashion game, this inhaler is both a herbal product and an accessory. AVA Aroma can be used anywhere, anytime, without drawing attention to your inhaler like the other brands, so you can refresh yourself and stay stylish at the same time! And their scent can easily rival other brands too! With 100% natural ingredients, AVA Aroma comes with both dry and liquid versions, for both sniffing and rubbing. Looking cool, easy to carry, and smells good, what else could you ask from an inhaler? This is as good an inhaler as it could get 💯

📌Shop Info

AVA Aroma only sells through their online store, but if you want to know what it smells like, every branch of Mitta cafe has these inhalers for you to try.
FB : Ava-aroma
IG : ava_aroma
Tel : 099-245-6515


Pastel Pocket Inhaler

This inhaler comes with its own twist… literally!! This is an inhaler that you can open and close with only one hand! No more disappear lids, this cute little pastel tube is the future of Thai inhaler XD

Even better, the inhaler comes with a necklace so you can put it around your neck for easy access! Not only can you sniff, but also play with the tube when you are bored, too!! Such creativity! Much innovation!! 🙇‍♀️

Before you go off on us for being dramatic, you need to understand something… Losing the lid is a very big problem for inhaler addicts like us. So is losing the whole tube… Or can’t use the other hand… So this inhaler is pushing all the inhaler addict’s weakness all at once, with a cute pastel color like the last nail to the coffin. We bow down to the new inhaler overlord. And the scents are strong, too! Just one sniff is like a lance shove up the middle of the headache. You can really feel the clogged-up sinus or brain begins to sort itself out right away. There’re three main ingredients in the tube, which are:

1. Ylang-Ylang flower
Soothing fragrance that reduces stress, calms the mind, and helps you fall asleep

2. Menthol
Good, old cooling herb everybody loves. Can clear out your nose and dizziness.

3. Patchouli camphor
Cures dizziness and stuffy nose as well, but also stimulates the circulatory system and soothes the PMS symptoms

One scent, six colors, and very cheap, this inhaler is the newbie of the Thai inhaler market, but it’s here to stay. If you can’t choose between the six colors, just buy them all! Their entire set is only 150 Baht!! You won’t get any better deal than this!

📌Shop Info

FB : Pastel Creative
IG : pastelcreative
ONLINE SHOP : Pastel Creative
Line Official Account
Line MyShop : Pastel Creative
Shopee : PastelCreative
Lazada : Pastel


Somthawin Yellow Oil (Bodhi Tree brand)

Let us come back to another household brandthat couldn’t be more Thai than this.Somthawin can help you in every situation:Dizziness, stuffy nose,carsick, seasick,or just a relaxing aroma,Somthawincan do everything!

Even more than that, yellow oil can be used in massage, soothes the bruises, insect bites, and reduces itchiness. A lot of Thais grow up with yellow oil in their home, because this thing is like more than half of a first aid kit in one bottle XD No matter what generation you are, yellow oil is the true MVP of all Thai herbal products, which also includes the inhaler market as well.

Just one bottle and you can heal most of the common injuries with ease. Mosquitoes? Yellow oil. Kick a corner? Yellow oil. Sprain ankle? Yellow oil! Mosquitoes again? Yellow oil to the bite and THROW AT IT– … no. Also, avoid soft tissue such as eyes, because this thing burns and stings at the same time 😂 Here’s the price for online order
>Large bottle (24 ml.): 1,080 Baht per dozen
>Large roll-on (8 ml.): 760 Baht per dozen
>Small roll-on (5 ml.): 540 Baht per dozen
>Small bottle (4 ml.): 420 Baht per dozen

📌 Shop Info

Trat city (Baan Lang sub-district) : 039-511935
Trat Center : 039-531430
Bangkok (On Nut soi 28) : 02-331-8199

Shopee : น้ำมันเหลืองสมถวิลอั้งกี้
Lazada : Somthawin Yellow Oil Official Shop
Line Shop : น้ำมันเหลืองสมถวิล
LINE @somthawinyellowoil
FB : สมถวิล อั้งกี้ น้ำมันเหลือง – เพจบริษัท
INBOX : สมถวิล อั้งกี้ น้ำมันเหลือง
Tel : 088-890-4449



Our 7th brand is a bit of a rare item. SANDT comes with four characteristics to make their customer’s life easier:

1. Quick and simple;
can easily be used throughout the day.SANDT Aroma Gadget hasbeen designedwith the concept‘Just Snap and Breathe in’,so you can get tothe aroma witha snap of your fingers.

2. Meticulous scent creation;
the combination of Thai herbal medicine and Aromatherapy, results in many scents for many situations. SANDT comes with two collections: ACTIVE and RELAX.

2.1 The ACTIVE COLLECTION comes to keep you energized with

  • “Herbal Boost”
    for a stressful and exhausting day,
  • and “Citrus Energy”
    for achaoticdaythatneedslotsofcreativity 👍

2.2 The RELAX COLLECTION is here to ease you into resting mode with

  • “Peaceful Jasmine”
    to calm down during the day, and
  • “Chilling Tea Tree”
    for cooling down both your body and mind

3. Consciousness and sustainability:
SANDT cares deeply for the environment, so their Aroma Gadget comes with biodegradable plastic and can be refilled several times so you can spend many years with a single tube. Love for nature, and love for your purse ✨

4. Customizable: a single set of Aroma Gadget can be built into your own unique inhaler
with three colors of the gadget and four scents from two collections. No need to sacrifice fashion for utility, every SANDT inhaler is always your favorite inhaler.

  • 3 Colors for Gadget
    · Midnight Black
    · Coral Red
    · Cloud White

These special traits do not come with a higher price, so you can look good, smell nice, and not break your bank!!

📌 Shop Info

Shopee : SANDT BKK
IG : sandtbkk



Next up is a Thai cosmetic and incense brand that uses Thai herbs and spices to create aromatic products for all herb lovers!

Our recommended product today is “Monday Survival” for every salarymen/women out there XD. If you’re sicked and tired of your boss and coworkers, let Monday Survival helps you survive your weekday together. Which is very creative for a concept!! We really have to applause!

With 100% natural camphor mixed with Thai herbs and imported spices, Twinsis.Thailand’s products have been cured for months before shipping, so every time you twisted the lid off, the intense scent will immediately shake you awake and relieve your stress without burning your nose off.

Wake yourselves up! No more office drama!! So when your boss starts yelling again, just smile and take a deep breath of Monday Survival, and you can shake off the drama like a champ!!

📌Shop Info

Line | Shopee



Once more we’re coming back to a household name of famous Thai natural herb products. There’re many products you can choose for your specific needs, whether to sniff, rub or both at the same time!

Cheraim’s most famous product; “Cheraim’s Herbal Inhaler” is a 100% natural product with zero industrial chemicals, ever. You can even see this with your own eyes just by taking the lid off because this inhaler is a bunch of dried herbs in a cloth pouch!!

That specific combination of dried herbs, which is also Cheraim’s signature scent, has eleven herbs in it! Some of them are agarwood, cardamom, clove, kencur, anise, and sweet wormwood. These unique herbs are locally sourced and give this inhaler a special scent and healing properties it is famous for until this day!

Cheraim’s inhalers come in five packages:
1 g. Inhaler tube
2.5 g. Inhaler tube
6 g. Glass bottle
8 g. Plastic jar
8 g. PikPok (metal container)

The smaller sizes are meant to be carried while the bigger packages are for keeping inside the housewith the stronger smellso you can breathe to your heart’s content!If you want a long-lasting herbal inhalerwith no burning to your nose,Cheraim isthe best choice for you!

📌Shop Info

📍Location (Can be found in 7-11 and all pharmacy 💕)

Inbox | Line
FB : Cheraim Brand
IG : cheraimbrand
Shopee : cheraimbrand
Lazada : CHER-AIM



This brand is indeed a journey from very first sight because even before the sweet scent will hit your nose, this cute glass bottle and a wooden cap will steal your heart. How can it not!? It even has these cute little flowers in it!! **reeeee** T_T

Journey’s scent ismenthol-based mixedwith camphor and 4other essential oilsinto a refreshing scentthat will easeyour sinus when yourseasonal allergy acts up again. 🌿🌷🤍

Even better!! The scent is also non-perfumed and doesn’t hurt your nose so you can sniff this all day long and never harm your nostrils! This cute inhaler will lift up your spirit both by sight and by scent😆✨

📌 Shop Info

📍Location : Thonglorhelth Sukhumvit 55 (At the beginning of Soi Thonglor)
🚝 BTS : Thonglhor Exit 3

All-in-one link
Line : @journey_scent
IG : journey_scent



This brand is different from other names on our list because this is an OTOP brand, which means a 100% real local product from Thailand’s sub-district. So if you love a natural product, supporting the local, and ethically sourced company, Bumrungjid is your answer!! Bumrungjid is made from the herbs gathered from the Phu Phan region, where its ancient recipe also came from.

This inhaler has no menthol or mint, yet it is as refreshing and cures headache, sleepiness, stuffy nose, and stress just as well as the industrial brand! If you feel angry or stressed too easily, sniff Bumrungjid. If you’re raging, sniff harder!! Breath it all in until you feel the cold all the way down to the bottom of your lungs, and you’ll find that your anger has gone, too XD Every hot-head folk who want to be calmer should get one of these!!

📌 Shop Info

IG : bumrungjid_official
FB : ยาดมบํารุงจิต bumrungjid ยาดม สมุนไพร
Tel : 061-567-9979
Line @ : @bumrungjid

Bumrungjid (large jar)
Bumrungjid (large jar, whole pack)
Bumrungjid (small jar)



BLITH is our last brand (but not the list!!) here today with their answer to everyone’s problem in daily life. >< These inhalers come in 10 ml. tube in a beautiful boxset that change for every festival and various limited edition, so you can pick the one you like and gift this to your friends and family of all ages and genders!!

This cute, minimal-style tiny roll-on is filled with organic USDA certified essential oil, grapeseed oil, and being a vegan product with no animal testing💕

There’re ten scents to choose from for all your moments of:
1. Sleep: for relaxing your body and mind before bedtime
2. Calm: destressing yourselves and light up the mood
3. Breathe: clear out your stuffy nose
4. Happy: energetic scents that’ll make you smile
5. Self love: refill your self-confidence and love for yourself
6. Study: refreshing your mind and your concentration
7. Inspire: destressing and let your creativity flows
8. Sunday Morning: wash away your worry from the entire week
9. After the rain: relaxing your body and mind with earth scent
10. Ocean: for relaxation and reduce exhaustion

So if you need help with any problem, in particular, you can get what you need very easily!! ✨👍 Every scent come in 10 ml. bottles for 320 Baht each. Their quality is totally worth its price!!

📌Shop Info

📍 Location
– Daddy and the Muscle Academy (Siam Square Soi 2)
– With a day (Future Park Rangsit)
– Hope you goods (Samut Prakan)
**FYI: Storefront didn’t have much stock left, but the price will be way cheaper than online store!!

IG : @blithbkk
LINE : @blithbkk
Shopee : blithbkk


Siang-Pure Roll-on

Let’s wrap up our list with Siang-Pure once again, but this time they come back not as an inhaler, but as a herbal oil for all your ailments!! Siang-Pure’s unique eucalyptus and herbal blend actually has another use than just sniffing, but also rubbing on skin, such as temple, under the nose, acne, and insect bites. The oil will be as aromatic as ever but also ease the itchiness and reduce swelling too!

So for people who might need more rubbing oil than a stick to shove in the nose, Siang-Pure comes up with a roll-on bottle so everyone can rub the oil as much as they want. Some people even carried both at the same time for both stuffing and rubbing, because you can never have too much of Siang-Pure!!

📌Shop Info

Every pharmacy in Thailand, or online store here;
Shopee : ยาดมเซียงเพียว
LAZADA : Bertram1958